
SMP Angkasa

Jl. surtikanti dirgantara III Halim Perdanakusuma Jakarta timur

Kec Makasar

Kel Halim Perdana Kusumah

Hubungi Kami

Gelombang 1

1 Nov 2022 - 30 Jan 2023

Jenjang : SMP | MTS
Status : Sekolah Swasta
Tahun Berdiri :
Akreditasi :

SMP Angkasa

"Jakarta (SMP Angkasa Halim Perdanakusuma) -- Chairman of Yasarini PC Lanud Halim Perdanakusuma, Mrs. Lia Adrian Damanik accompanied by the Head of the Agricultural Research and Development Agency section, Mr. Agus Riyanto, Thursday (04/02). This morning attended the inauguration of the hydroponic education park at Angkasa Halim Perdanakusuma Junior High School and also attended the Principal of Angkasa Junior High School Erman Saptoro, S.Kom, as well as the field of space coaching and education.

The educational park at SMP Angkasa Halim Perdanakusuma is a form of using vacant land at SMP Angkasa Jakarta, besides that it can be used as a learning medium for students so that they can grow crops with hydroponic techniques. So that with hydroponics nature becomes greener and cooler. In addition, the benefits of cultivating hydroponic plants can also meet the needs of vegetables which are also as greenery in the environment around the school."


Unggul dalam segala Aspek

Tenaga Pendidik
Ulil Alfa, M.Pd

Wakil Sarpras

Erman Saptoro,S.Kom

Kepala Sekolah

Waskito ,A.Md

Wakil Kesiswaan

Sukarti, S.Pd

Wakil Kurikulum

Fasilitas Sekolah

  • Multimedia Speaker
  • Studio
  • Aula
  • Lab IPA
  • Hidroponik
  • Kantin
  • Ruang kelas ber AC
  • Gedung milik TNI AU
  • Mushola
  • Perpustakaan
  • Gudang
  • Taman
  • Proyektor
  • 3 Lab Komputer
  • Wifi


  • Futsal
  • Karawitan
  • Jurnalistik
  • Tari Saman
  • Rohis
  • Paskibra
  • Rokris
  • Pertanian
  • Pramuka
  • English Clubs
  • Basket

Prestasi Sekolah

  • Lulusan Peserta Didik banyak diterima di SMA negri

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